
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

Summer plans

This week will unfortunately be the last Tuesday we will meet before taking a break for the summer.  What are your summer plans?  Do you like to cram in as much as possible or take it easy?

Kids (and teachers) love summer vacation, but what about parents?  What do you do with the kids now that there is no school?  What if you can't afford to do anything?

I look forward to hearing about your plans and opinions on Summer this Tuesday.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018


Disney has had a major cultural impact around the world since its first animated movie Snow White way back in the 1930's.  Why do so many adults enjoy films that are seemingly made for children?

What are your favorite Disney films?  Are there any songs from the films that you you remember?  Special characters that you find an affinity with?  Do people that do need to grow up?

Resultado de imagen de Disney films

Disney may need to grow and change it's business model if it wants to continue to compete in an ever changing cultural and business environment:


martes, 8 de mayo de 2018


Comme nous avons à peine parlé du tourisme la semaine dernière, je vous propose de relire l'article et nous approfondirons notre discussion.

Resultado de imagen de tourisme