
jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Economic crisis

This week we will talk about CRISIS:
Economic crisis or crisis of values, who is responsible?
  • Is the political system alone responsible for this crisis?
  • Nowadays there is a erosion of social, moral, cultural, economic and political values at all levels. Think of the factors that have been responsible for creating this crisis in our society.
  • Are the strengths and weaknesses in the society reflected in the political system?
  • Which is the role of a family as an instrument for inculcating values? Have we failed in providing the right type of education to our younger generation?
  • Mahatma Gandhi said "The lust for money and power has corrupted the man", Is this life style sending us to the disaster?
  • In our high competitive world, everyone wants to be on the top, do you think that competition in every sphere has prompted people to use unethical practices?
English club, 9th of May, 2013.

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