
miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Traffic, Commuting, and Public Transportation

In Houston I used to spend an hour and a half in traffic each way every single day. It drove me nuts.  I wasn't the only one:

What is/was your daily commute like?  Have you had jobs previously where your commute was worse/better than now?  What would be your cutoff before you say enough is enough and change jobs?  What is your limit?

In most places in the U.S. people drive to work, but in many other places people use public transportation.  Here's an article about public transit around the world:

Do you prefer public transportation to private?  What are the benefits of walking, cycling, driving your own car, or taking a bus or subway?

Here is a Ted Talk by the mayor of Bogotá about public transportation:

And here is another where a sociologist explains America's dependence on the automobile:

Resultado de imagen de Traffic, Commuting, and Public Transportation

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