
miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018

Physician assisted suicide or euthanasia

We will meet again on the 20th.  Have a fun Carnaval!

I know we have talked of death and end of life planning before, but this time I'd like to talk about something related to death but more specific.  Physician assisted suicide or euthanasia.  What is it?  Is it ethical?

Where is it legal?  How many people choose to go down this path?

In the U.S. it isn't legal everywhere and there have been several high profile cases concerning this topic.  One is Dr. Jack Kevorkian:

Another one is the case of Terri Schiavo.  It is slightly different but it pertains to this same issue:

As you can see from the webpages linked to above, Belgium and the Netherlands have the most lenient laws concerning this issue.  Below are two videos depicting people who make this choice and how the process truly takes place.  Please take some time to watch them.  I found them quite interesting.

This may be a difficult subject for some, but I would really like to hear your thoughts on it.  Do you think this should be legal?  Are there any circumstances under which you could possibly make this decision?

I've given you lots to read and watch over the next two weeks.  I hope it isn't overwhelming.  See you on the 20th.

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